Smile Make over with Composites


Dr. Binu Mathew BDS (Senior Dental Surgeon at Advanced Dental Care)

A smile is contagious as well as can speak a thousand words. There are people who are reluctant to smile or not happy with their smile because of their teeth condition. It is a fact that many even don't smile from their heart or always cover their mouth while smiling. The situation will affect the confidence and social behavior. Newer materials and treatment modalities have given hope to many for this situation. We have created smiles to many who were suffering from this. 

Sharing a case of 43 years old female patient who was very reluctant to smile, and it has become a habit for her due to her teeth appearance throughout her adult life. we have identified the problems of the smile due to teeth appearance. 

1. Missing Upper right lateral incisor

2. canine in position of lateral incisor but is proclined and rotated

3. Central incisors (31 & 41 ) are at different levels with tilted incisal edges

4. partly proclined and rotated left lateral incisor (42)

5. Some fluorosis and discolorations 

Patient opted for a simple correction

Initial Build up and shaping of the teeth were done using composite ( 3M Z350) shade A1 and BW were used. The angulations were corrected, and thickness differences were managed

Visibility of teeth were checked during smile and incisal shaping was also performed

Final finishing and polishing of the restoration was done. Pt is satisfied with the outcome

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